Essential Tips for Preparing Your Industrial Premises for A Mobile Welder

If your newly launched industrial business requires welding for a project, that does not mean that you have to take on researching how to carry out this metal fabrication process and investing in the acquisition of the machinery required. Instead, you should opt to outsource these needs to a qualified metal fabricator that will not only have the requisite expertise but will also be equipped with a selection of different types of equipment to carry out a range of tasks.

For utmost convenience, you should take it a step further and enlist mobile welding services, where the metal fabricator will come carry out their job on-site, which saves you the cost of transporting your welded products back to your commercial property. To make this project seamless for both your employees and the metal fabricator, check out the following essential tips for preparing your industrial premises for a mobile welder.

Get rid of all combustible supplies and potential hazards

The first step to making sure that your commercial property is ready for mobile welding services is to eliminate anything that could pose a safety hazard for the metal fabricator and everyone else in proximity to the worksite. You should meticulously identify and eliminate flammable supplies since welding entails the use of an open flame. Fluids such as gasoline, kerosene and other liquids are highly volatile, as they produce vapours that could combust spontaneously.

Additionally, materials such as plastics, cardboard and more are vulnerable to spreading a fire, so these should be removed from the worksite too. Once you have eliminated flammable supplies, you should then identify and remove commonly overlooked threats such as hoses, cables and power tools that will pose a tripping hazard if they are left on the floor.

Ensure there is sufficient space, lighting and ventilation on the worksite

After getting rid of potential hazards that could cause serious accidents during the welding process, you should then make sure that the work site will be functional for the metal fabricator. The first step in doing so is by creating adequate room for the mobile welder to carry out their job. Clear the chosen work site of any equipment that could make it challenging for the metal fabricator to move around freely. Also instruct your employees to carry out their duties a safe distance away from the chosen worksite so that mobile welder can carry out their work uninterrupted.

Secondly, you need to make sure that the site is sufficiently illuminated. Placing temporary light fixtures strategically around the site should help with this. Lastly, welding produces sparks and fumes, so the worksite must be well-ventilated. If the metal fabrication cannot be carried out outdoors, setting up industrial fans will be highly recommended.

Contact metal fabricators in your area to learn more.
